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At the age of 4 during my first life saving surgery, I had what would now be called ‘near death experiences’. During those experiences I was introduced to some of my own angels, in the most beautiful garden I have ever seen or experienced where I was accepted for exactly who I am without expectations and pure love.

After these experiences I was able to see my angels all the time, they have been my friends and my guides ever since. It didn’t take long to learn it was best not to talk about my experiences or what I saw and it just became a normal part of my life and I just assumed that others had the same capabilities. My life was what I thought of as normal, I married and had 4 great kids. Living the life and doing all the things we are expected to do as Wife and Mother.

Life continued to be normal until January 1997. To be honest I am not sure how or why it happened but I noticed I was seeing more angles than I ever had before, it didn’t take long to understand that I was now seeing the angels of everyone around me. I was asked, maybe told is a better word, to use this gift to draw what I was seeing to help others connect with their angels.

Over time to make day to day life easier I learned to turn the volume down a little, allowing me to see others angles as clouds of color that is constantly moving similar to glitter in a snow globe. I have also learned to use photos to see the angels with others as long, as I can see the eyes, allowing me to help as many people ... view more »


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