Daniel Buchholz

Daniel Buchholz

Website: http://danielbuchholz.org

   7217 N Park Ave, Kansas City, MO, 64118

Color is the focus of my work creating vibrant urban scenes.  I continue to experiment with what may be considered a fantastical use of colors, but for me, show the more realistic shades of our lives.  In my life color plays the part of adverbs conveying the actions played out in the scene like a yellow chaotic city or the ordered movement of cars in deep blue, a red angry cloud or green sidewalk.

Images used are intended to bring light onto the fluid dichotomy of the contemporary urban scene, graffiti and the interplay with the soul and spiritual nature of humanity.  Our cities are the fulfillment and embodiment of human aspirations, yet they also contain and exhibit the most base elements of humanity expressed by both the graffiti from the people and orders of law from government - all at the same moment.  It seems that our continuous migration to suburbia has splintered our lives.  Each family and individual is forced to fend for themselves in an isolated three bedroom ranch situated atop the cultural vacuum of suburban strip-mall developments.

My art portrays the human experience within the contemporary and often bizarre urban/city environment.  It is intended to encourage the emerging urban revival.