Chris Haywood

Chris Haywood



   5305 Kentucky Avenue, Kansas City, MO, 64133

The name “hidden jungles” comes from a memory I had as a kid a long time ago. I was about 6 or 7 years old and I remember stepping into my first room in our new house when we moved to Kansas City. My first bedroom, I was kinda scared and kinda optimistic at the same time. How do I make this feel like home to me? How do I take an empty space and fill it with something? So I told my mom I wanted to paint a mural. This little kid wanted to paint a mural in his room. So I got what I needed the colors, the brushes, some newspaper to lay down on the floor, and I just started to let my imagination go. I didn’t care what anyone said, I just went for it, and out of that came the jungle. The trees, flowers, plants, animals, everything that I wanted to be immersed in was right there. I lived in an “actual” jungle. Tarzan and The Jungle Book were my favorite Disney movies growing up so I took inspiration from their set designs and just made this peice of art that I remeber to this day. Hidden Jungles means to create without restriction. To discover something new. To find your place in the world. To make your own way, your own path and love those around you even though you might be different. It is a representation of me as an artist, my reclusiveness and my ambition. My goal with this project is to reconstruct pop music. To take an empty space, an empty canvas, like pop music, and create something new. Something I want to be surrounded by and immersed in. ?