Alicia Ruhl

Alicia Ruhl

Now Showing - Visual - Alcohol Ink


 (909) 784-5326

   600 NE Twin Brook Dr, Lee's Summit, MO, United States, Lees Summit, MO, 64086

I’m beyond blessed to combine my two loves: utilizing artistic gifts and helping create social change! I founded "Faithfull by Design" about six years ago, and our motto is Design > Buy > Bless. I design Alcohol Ink artwork, apparel, and jewelry, others buy those products, and then we bless local organizations fighting sex trafficking. RPOR (Relentless Pursuit Outreach & Recovery) and ReHope (formerly Restoration House) are two primary organizations we support. Through Social Media and our website, we focus on educating and raising awareness of this insidious epidemic. We help others learn how to work together and hopefully realize our dream of abolishing sex trafficking. In addition to creating Alcohol Ink masterpieces, we host Art & Awareness events (film screenings, painting education, book studies, and gatherings with local survivors). The majority of purchases are made currently through Social Media, but I'm excited about securing the financial means to begin sharing through the Fourth Friday Art Walk in Lee's Summit, local art shows, and exhibiting work for sale in corporations.