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Now Showing is a program designed to foster partnerships between individual artists and businesses by providing opportunities for metro-area artists to display their work in the conference rooms, lobbies, and office spaces of local companies. For more info visit:

I work in photography. My intention is to create something that someone finds visually beautiful and/or interesting. I have been heavily influenced by photographers such as Richard Avedon, Herb Ritts and Annie Lebowitz. I like the simplicity and style of fashion photography so several of my series have involved simple images over a white background using natural light. In the last few years I find myself more interested in qualities of light and nature. So it’s not just the object or the scene but the quality of light I am trying to capture. I spent my whole growing up looking at National Geographic magazines. Those images have influenced me tremendously.

Outside of photography I have been heavily influenced by painters. That really hit home for me while visiting museums in London and Paris in 2007. I saw the original Holbeins that undoubtedly influenced my love of simple backgrounds. In Paris at a small gallery I saw immense Monets and realized that that his paintings were probably my original influence for atypical framing of images. These are both painters I had studied growing up.

My method is primarily natural light as far as shooting goes. As far as any sort of treatment of photographs I have experimented with using resin and images on acetate and would like to explore more of that kind of work. Also while working with the acetate images I decided I wanted to explore more work with light boxes. I have also been working with stitching beads and sequins to photographs and ... view more »

Now Showing Program

Now Showing Applicant: Yes


  • Gallery 1 - Sandy Woodson
  • Gallery 2 - Sandy Woodson
  • Gallery 3 - Sandy Woodson
  • Gallery 4 - Sandy Woodson
  • Gallery 5 - Sandy Woodson
  • Gallery 6 - Sandy Woodson
  • Color photography
    24" x 36"