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The  Kansas / Missouri SCBWI region is a vibrant, dedicated and welcoming community of children’s book writers and illustrators. We provide support to our members through craft and industry workshops, critique and networking opportunities, industry updates, and an annual conference that is packed with inspiration and learning for all levels of creators.


Our region is currently led by Co-Regional Advisors Michele Helsel and Devyn Douvier, Assistant Regional Advisor Sue Fritz, and Illustrator Coordinator Andy Lozano. Please email us at with questions.

The children’s and young adult publishing field is very competitive and you can learn a great deal by networking with other writers and illustrators. Our members range from people thinking about their first book to seasoned professionals with many books in print. We all share an enthusiasm for creating quality books for children and young people, as well as a desire to help fellow SCBWI members succeed. We encourage you to join us at our next event!


* A variety of events in different locations in Kansas and Missouri with special guest speakers, including an annual fall conference. See our Calendar of Events for details. Some events are free, others require a registration fee. SCBWI members receive a significant discount on all event registration fees and critiques.

* Ongoing email communications from our region with information and opportunities for writers and il ... view more »


Subscription or membership information, if applicable.:

Join SCBWI Membership in the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators is through the international office, which is located in Los Angeles. You can learn all about the MANY benefits of becoming an SCBWI member at There are no additional fees to be a regional member. As an SCBWI member, you are welcome to attend events or conferences in any region around the world at a member discount price.

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